Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hope everyone has been doing good! It has been an awesome year! Just to update everyone, we are moving a lot of our Miss Eugene Pro Rodeo information over to facebook. I put a copy of the finalized packet on here, and there is also a copy on the facebook page. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!!/pages/Miss-Eugene-Pro-Rodeo/176450012428943

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More Updates!

Wow how time flies! Its been an amazing spring and start to summer and I am so excited for our rodeo coming up!
I saw a first little taste of summer at the Rhodie Fest in Florence, Oregon. When we first got there I was worried the weather wouldn't be good, but by the time the parade started it turned out gorgeous! Our 2010 miss EPR, also a good friend of mine happened to be at the coast that weekend with her fiance, another good friend and they were kind enough to help me get my horse ready. Kyra is a lot more crafty than I am and decorated Rhodies all throughout Rulu's mane and tail. It looked so cute!

And Cody was my rodeo queen mom for the day pinning my sash on :)

It turned out to be an overall great day! The inner "child at heart" came out in me on the way home when we went by the Gingerbread Village Restaurant  in Mapleton. They had the Gingerbread man out, so of course I had to get a picture! He even gave me a free gingerbread cookie ;)

 Our next event was KKNU dinner at Putters. It was great to finally meet the radio crew, Barrett, Fox, and Berry. I hear them on the radio almost every day they are such great people! I had a lot of fun chatting with everyone and helping out with the raffle for rodeo tickets!

At last but certainly not least, I just got back from the Sisters Rodeo this last weekend. I had such an amazing time. I ran into some of the queens I have already met, and got to meet some new ones too. There was so many nice, beautiful girls and everyone was very welcoming! I felt right at home. Saturday morning we had the parade and right after all of the contestants were treated to ice cream bars :) I was really excited for Sunday because I got to wear my new pink chaps for Tough Enough to Wear Pink night. Rulu was such a trooper for a long hot weekend. I was a bit bummed to come home because the weather was so amazing there and I didn't want to leave!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Updates!

I was able to run into Benton County's
Queen, Clara and we got to visit for a while.
 It was great seeing her!
I feel like its been a while since I have given everyone an update! I have had a fun and busy month so far and finally got a chance to sit down and post!

And then I ran into Mr. Gage :)
One of the cutes cowboys I know!
First, I will start off with the PBR at the Matthew Knight Arena. I was really excited because I hadn't been there yet and the first time I got to go was for a rodeo event. We had an awesome booth set up for Eugene Pro Rodeo and I met some great people!
And I couldn't complete the night without taking a picture
with the UO Duck Mascot!

The next weekend I headed up to Corvallis to the Benton County Spring rodeo. I had a great time! The weather is starting to get better and we managed to stay dry! I was excited to come again because I had a lot of fun at their last rodeo, Super Bulls in January. It's always fun helping out with the games for the kids. Since Easter is coming up, they did an egg and spoon race with plastic easter eggs. It was so cute watching the little kids run across the arena! One of the kids was a little impatient though and wanted to eat his chocolate before the race! (He had spotted the Hershey's Kiss inside his egg). 
Me and the 2011 Cottage Grove Queen, Jenny Conrad
All of the girls looked great and the rodeo made for a really fun weekend!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

OHSRA rodeo at Oregon Horse Center

Once again, this is Kyra blogging!
While Jessica was attending the Cowgirls and Crowns clinic held by Miss Rodeo Oregon this weekend, the Oregon Horse Center was playing host to a rodeo for the Oregon High School Rodeo Association. And since OHC is the home of the Eugene Pro Rodeo, we all felt we needed the EPR to be present! And so, since Jessica couldn't be in two places at once, I got to be her substitute and be queen again for the weekend.
First off I was really ecxited because I haven't been very involved with horses in the past few months since my pony is now leased out and so naturally I am very sore today! Anyway, I had the great honor of wearing the "retired" queen chaps and I even got the chance to use the "souvenir crown" that my mom had made for me post-reign.
I was very glad to be able to work cattle and run a couple sponsor flags for the rodeo and the best part was watching all of these upcoming rodeo-stars doing what they do best! It made me sort of wish that I had done competition-rodeo while I was in high school, even though I would not have been nearly as good as the kids competing this weekend!
I just want to thank all of the people who made my weekend a blast and for letting me get my well-needed rodeo time in! Thank you to all of the members of OHSRA for having me and for running such a well organized high school event, and the biggest thank you goes to Mandi and Kaylee Hansen for letting me borrow Keely for my run-in and cows! She was fantastic and I loved getting to ride again!
And now, back to Jessica, your 2011 queen :D -Kyra Turner

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Duck Parade

Last Saturday, I went just a few minutes from my house to our local Parade of Champions, Duck Parade. I had a lot of fun! I was a little worried at first trying to find parking in the middle of downtown Eugene, but luckily they had a big area cleared out so I was able to unload....right at the heart of Campus! I never thought I would be riding on the UO campus, and Rulu wasn't so sure about it at first, but she quickly realized it was game time and did great with all the new and interesting sights to see!
Since we were the only horse entry in the parade, I had a lot of people really excited to see Rulu. A couple of the girls working the parade traffic wanted to take a picture with her. The one girl however was scared of horses so any time Rulu moved she got a little nervous ;) I hope they were able to get a picture though! It was nice meeting lots of new people, and I ended up running into a lot of people that I knew throughout the parade. There was a lot of Duck Spirit and I think that it was a really fun atmosphere. I was really excited to get my Great Uncle's old parade saddle out too! It reminds me of a saddle Roy Rogers would have for Trigger. My Great Uncle used it in parades when he was part of the Sheriffs Posse so it was neat keeping the family history alive! I would also like to thank my helpers, Lian and Bev for helping me get ready, and McKenzie and Maddison for being my pooper scoopers. Not a very fun job but they can say they helped out when they try out for Miss EPR someday :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Super Bulls

Last weekend I made the short trip up to Corvallis to attend the Super Bulls rodeo. I must say I was a little nervous because I hadn't been to the fairgrounds in years and wanted to make sure I knew where to go! I was thankful I left home early though, and I had a good copilot, my friend Lian, to come there with me. We got there with lots of time to spare which made it nice to have plenty of time to get Rulu (my horse) ready. Once the crowd started filling in, the Queens and barrel racers got in the arena quickly to get out of the rain! I got to meet Benton County Fair & Rodeo Queen, Clara Crocker who was very welcoming. It was nice meeting her along with all of the other queens.

 After I was done helping in the arena (and getting very wet from the rainy barrels we had to set up) Jen Conrad (Cottage Grove's queen) and I gathered up some kids for the stick horse race. It was so adorable watching the little kids who could barely walk try to run across the arena with their stick horses. Too cute!! Once all of us were done helping, we took some pictures and wrapped up a fun evening. I had a great time!

Me and the 2011 Cottage Grove Queen, Jenny Conrad

Friday, January 14, 2011


Hi everyone! As of last night, I am officially your 2011 Miss EPR! I am so excited! I hope everyone had as great of an evening as I did! We started off the evening with a slide show if  pictures that have been taken of the queens over the last few years, and got to see some of the amazing pictures that Chris Sloan, the Queen Coordinator takes. After that, we had some delicious dinner and I got to visit with people and start taking the first of the many pictures for the evening! I was glad to see everyone there, and appreciated the visiting royalty coming to support! I got to meet Jenny Conrad, Cottage Grove's 2011 Queen, and Shalaina Joiner, Miss NPRA. It was so sweet of her to come. She had a very long drive and we appreciated her making the trip!

(All of the goodies for the silent auction! Thank you so much to everyone who donated and Bid!)

I also want to thank all of the girls that tried out- Whitney Richey, Kyra Russel, Jess Stanfill, and Angela Hurlburt. . Everyone did a great job at tryouts and the parade! It was great getting to know them all. Jess also donated a guided fishing trip to the silent auction which I greatly appreciated! I'm glad I got to meet all of the girls and I hope they had as much fun as I did! I hope they stick around this year so I can get to know them more!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

2011 Miss Eugene Pro Rodeo Tryouts

2011 Miss Eugene Pro Rodeo- Jessica Shafer
Horsemanship- Jessica Shafer
Appearance/Personality- Jessica Shafer
People's Choice- Jessica Shafer

Congratulations to all of our contestants and their very hard work. They all prepared and it was great seeing their hard work in action. For me, I had a little bit of a hard time since I am friends with all of the contestants except for Jess, but she quickly grew on me and the other judges as well :)

I hope we will see all of our contestants competing next year, or on another court, or even better, they can help me as a volunteer at the rodeo! This will also be my farewell blog post, since as of Thursday at 6pm, I will be handing down my title. Again, congratulations Jessica, and welcome to a very busy and rewarding year!  --Kyra Turner 

The girls doing a queen run all together :)