Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sisters Rodeo - Sisters, OR

This past weekend was the Sisters Rodeo and it definitly got me in rodeo/summer mode! The rodeo was June 11-13 but I had to miss the Friday night performance and the parade Saturday morning because of my high school graduation. (Congrats PHill Class of 2010!!) But after a little bit of rush and no sleep due to the all-night grad party, we hopped in the truck and made it LITERALLY just in time for the afternoon performance on Saturday.
The weather was amazing and I had a great time hanging out waiting for the performance later that night. I was pretty pumped when I found out that Sunday was Tough Enough To Wear Pink Night since I just happened to bring my pink stuff with me. I have to admit that my pink shirt looked a little odd with red, white and blue chaps :) I enjoyed getting to talk to the Cottage Grove court a little more and thank you Karen Hoagland for letting my tie my pony to your trailor when we left for some food! And while Im saying the thank you's, thanks Karissa for letting us stay with you!
I was also excited to be handing out autograph sheets for the first time this season! Emily Strub with Unbridled Imagery did an AMAZING job taking photos for me! At the rodeo, not only did kids rush me for autogrphs, I also had a few adults ask for one too! One man in particular asked for one and asked that I write it "Big Daddy Delish". I dont think that was his real name... lol

< Me and Cottage Grove Jr. Queen, Tana Weston


  1. What a beautiful couple of young ladies -horses are pretty as well

  2. Hey Kyra, What fun to see you on the Eugene Pro Rodeo web page and your blog page too! I will be coming to the rodeo and look forward to seeing you. It is just so cool to have one of my seniors, oops I mean graduates, be such a big celebrity. Take care and see you soon!
    Ms. Brelsford
