Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yoncalla Rodeo Tryouts

Today I spent all day in Yoncalla, OR visiting old friends, helping as much as I could, and smiling a ton!
I had a blast and got to watch 4 girls compete for the title of the 2010 Yoncalla Rodeo Queen. The contestants were Whitney Richey, Katie Watkins, Kayla Weeldreyer and Koryssa Campbell. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was not the only visiting royalty, Miss NPRA Nicole Schrock came and so did the South Douglas Rodeo Queen Hannah. Also there to help was the 2009 Yoncalla Rodeo Queen, Jessi. I enjoyed meeting them and can't wait to see Nicole and Hannah around.
The girls competed first in horsemanship then modeling and speech. I thought everyone did great even when they had to switch ponies! I actually felt nervous like I was the one competing; imagine how they felt!
After eating some delicious cake, the new queen was announced! I want to congratulate Kayla on becoming the next Yoncalla Rodeo Queen with runner-up Whitney. I look forward to see her around at rodeos and having a familiar face to chat with! I know I will see her this Friday as we are both attending the Cottage Grove Rodeo Coronation. Good luck CG girls!
And one last thought, I  overheard Nicole (Miss NPRA) talking about her response to people when they ask why she doesn't run for Miss Rodeo Oregon and I loved what she said. (however I am bad at quoting, so I'm getting the gist of it :D) She said that she loved being Miss NPRA because she could be a part of the smaller rodeos that are family-oriented and tightly knitted into the community. And to her, that was what rodeo is about. I loved hearing this because that is what I think rodeo should be about also and I admire her for being humble and just totally awesome.

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