Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Stampede - Corvallis, OR

On Saturday, April 3rd, I traveled up Highway 99 to the Spring Stampede at the Benton County Fairgrounds. I was invited by Karen Hoagland who is the 2010 queen there.
It was a huge rush getting there, as this weekend was also my last OHSET meet! The minute I got off of my horse after running poles, I went to the bathroom, put in my hot rollers and loaded the pony. Because horse shows run late, I was also running late to get to the rodeo by 6 pm. I ended up getting there and ready just in time and would have been locked out had it not been for the tractor going in to till the arena! I missed warm up and the time to meet everyone so I was pretty nervous!
Thanks to Karen for getting me cooled down; it was also my first rodeo without a court to ask something like, did that lady just say I go in after the Corvallis Queen? Does that exist? Turns out she ment Fort Dalles! I got to see Cera Kem who was the Benton County Queen last year and I got to to talk with Jean McPherson shortly who is the coordinator for Miss NPRA.
I was excited to see so many queens at the rodeo like the Northwest Youth Rodeo Assoc. Court, the Fort Dalles Queen, the Sweet Home Queen, Miss NPRA and more.
Sadly, I didn't get any pictures, and I had to leave almost as soon as I got there since I had to get back to Oregon Horse Center for my meet. I hope to see everyone at the next rodeo I go to, which will probably be the Salem Rodeo later this month.

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