Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cottage Grove Rodeo Queen Coronation

On Friday night I visited the Cottage Grove Coronation at the Masonic Lodge in Cottage Grove. We had a wonderful dinner which doubled as a fundraiser for the Rodeo Drill Team, which being from the area, I have a lot of friends that are on the team. I had the chance to visit with my friend Bre Whiting who was the 2009 CG Jr. Queen. (Who in a few years better be trying out for Eugene!) I had a great time seeing Nicole, Hannah, Kayla, and the Salem Flag Team girls who all came as visiting royalty. Of course Karen Hoagland was there too, as she was the 2009 CG Sr. Queen and is now the 2010 Benton County Fair and Rodeo Queen. We all had a great time talking about how gracefully we could try to eat spaghetti and salad which obvioulsy did not go well :)
After dinner was the coronation and we got to meet our new Cottag Grove Sr. Queen, Jessica Marshal and her Sr. Princess Kristen Ankeny. Also we met Tana Weston who is the Cottage Grove Jr. Queen. Tana also won the MRO Spirit award, and just from listening to her talk briefly, I can tell she deserved it! I'm very excited to see them at upcoming events!
I want to thank Cottage Grove for having me, especially Tonia Porter for giving me some advice and working with me even though she has her own new court to worry about now!
I'd like to say the next event I'm going to would be the Salem Rodeo this weekend, but I haven't been able to find anything out about it. So my next written down event will be Sister's Rodeo in June. (However I know I won't be able to wait that long!)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yoncalla Rodeo Tryouts

Today I spent all day in Yoncalla, OR visiting old friends, helping as much as I could, and smiling a ton!
I had a blast and got to watch 4 girls compete for the title of the 2010 Yoncalla Rodeo Queen. The contestants were Whitney Richey, Katie Watkins, Kayla Weeldreyer and Koryssa Campbell. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was not the only visiting royalty, Miss NPRA Nicole Schrock came and so did the South Douglas Rodeo Queen Hannah. Also there to help was the 2009 Yoncalla Rodeo Queen, Jessi. I enjoyed meeting them and can't wait to see Nicole and Hannah around.
The girls competed first in horsemanship then modeling and speech. I thought everyone did great even when they had to switch ponies! I actually felt nervous like I was the one competing; imagine how they felt!
After eating some delicious cake, the new queen was announced! I want to congratulate Kayla on becoming the next Yoncalla Rodeo Queen with runner-up Whitney. I look forward to see her around at rodeos and having a familiar face to chat with! I know I will see her this Friday as we are both attending the Cottage Grove Rodeo Coronation. Good luck CG girls!
And one last thought, I  overheard Nicole (Miss NPRA) talking about her response to people when they ask why she doesn't run for Miss Rodeo Oregon and I loved what she said. (however I am bad at quoting, so I'm getting the gist of it :D) She said that she loved being Miss NPRA because she could be a part of the smaller rodeos that are family-oriented and tightly knitted into the community. And to her, that was what rodeo is about. I loved hearing this because that is what I think rodeo should be about also and I admire her for being humble and just totally awesome.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Stampede - Corvallis, OR

On Saturday, April 3rd, I traveled up Highway 99 to the Spring Stampede at the Benton County Fairgrounds. I was invited by Karen Hoagland who is the 2010 queen there.
It was a huge rush getting there, as this weekend was also my last OHSET meet! The minute I got off of my horse after running poles, I went to the bathroom, put in my hot rollers and loaded the pony. Because horse shows run late, I was also running late to get to the rodeo by 6 pm. I ended up getting there and ready just in time and would have been locked out had it not been for the tractor going in to till the arena! I missed warm up and the time to meet everyone so I was pretty nervous!
Thanks to Karen for getting me cooled down; it was also my first rodeo without a court to ask something like, did that lady just say I go in after the Corvallis Queen? Does that exist? Turns out she ment Fort Dalles! I got to see Cera Kem who was the Benton County Queen last year and I got to to talk with Jean McPherson shortly who is the coordinator for Miss NPRA.
I was excited to see so many queens at the rodeo like the Northwest Youth Rodeo Assoc. Court, the Fort Dalles Queen, the Sweet Home Queen, Miss NPRA and more.
Sadly, I didn't get any pictures, and I had to leave almost as soon as I got there since I had to get back to Oregon Horse Center for my meet. I hope to see everyone at the next rodeo I go to, which will probably be the Salem Rodeo later this month.