Friday, January 14, 2011


Hi everyone! As of last night, I am officially your 2011 Miss EPR! I am so excited! I hope everyone had as great of an evening as I did! We started off the evening with a slide show if  pictures that have been taken of the queens over the last few years, and got to see some of the amazing pictures that Chris Sloan, the Queen Coordinator takes. After that, we had some delicious dinner and I got to visit with people and start taking the first of the many pictures for the evening! I was glad to see everyone there, and appreciated the visiting royalty coming to support! I got to meet Jenny Conrad, Cottage Grove's 2011 Queen, and Shalaina Joiner, Miss NPRA. It was so sweet of her to come. She had a very long drive and we appreciated her making the trip!

(All of the goodies for the silent auction! Thank you so much to everyone who donated and Bid!)

I also want to thank all of the girls that tried out- Whitney Richey, Kyra Russel, Jess Stanfill, and Angela Hurlburt. . Everyone did a great job at tryouts and the parade! It was great getting to know them all. Jess also donated a guided fishing trip to the silent auction which I greatly appreciated! I'm glad I got to meet all of the girls and I hope they had as much fun as I did! I hope they stick around this year so I can get to know them more!

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